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Julia Meisner

Policy & Science Officer and Co-Project Manager KI-Camp, German Informatics Society

Julia is a policy and science officer at the German Informatics Society (GI). Since 2020, she has been working with stakeholders from science, politics and civil society on interdisciplinary projects with a focus on AI and data management and wants to contribute to a participatory, desirable digitalised society. Currently, as head of the project "Roundtable Series on Ethical AI Development", realised together with Stiftung Mercator, she is working with AI experts from software-developing companies to put ethical guidelines into practice. As co-lead of the BMBF project KI-Camp, she makes visible how diverse (young) AI research is and brings together AI researchers from all disciplines. Before joining the GI, Julia was involved in various initiatives and events, among them re:publica International.